Ally enters the modern age. Sort of.

That’s right, y’all. I’m starting a newsletter. Finally getting in the groove of five years ago! Ha!

Anyway, all kidding aside, I really am starting a newsletter. I think I need to. I’m super unorganized, and I think that might actually be the best way for me to make sure that the people who want to know about my new books and whatnot actually get to hear about them.

The signup form is on the sidebar here on my website. For those following along via Amazon or Goodreads, I’m also putting it here in the body of this post. I really hope you’ll sign up. My first newsletter,  coming out in early October, will have an exclusive excerpt from Myth Adventures (Mojo Mysteries book 3) as well as (I hope) pictures and travel reports from my trip to New Zealand to visit my daughter. I’m looking forward to sharing my ramblings with all of you 🙂


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Blue’s News – What’s New with Ally Blue

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