Archive | September 2014

GRL authors FREE books – cover reveal

Okay, y’all, listen up. Last year at GRL, the supporting authors all got together to give away an awesome book of excerpts and short stories to all the folks who came to the signing. This year, featured and supporting authors will each be giving away books chock full of fabulous excerpts and original short stories. Yay! Anyone who’s in the Chicago area next month for the supporting author signing on October 16th and/or the featured author signing on October 18th, please stop by and pick up your free copy! Both booksignings are open to the public.

Here’s the cover for the featured author’s book. Isn’t it gorgeous? The one for the attending authors is similar, the colors are just a little different. Artist is the very talented LC Chase 🙂

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Ally Update – GRL and more

Hello dear readers, I hope y’all are doing well 🙂  Just wanted to give you a little update on what I’ve been doing in my Sooper Exciting Author Life. Har. Firstly, I’ll be attending the GayRomLit retreat next month at Indian Lakes Resort just outside Chicago, and I’ll be selling/signing books at the featured author signing on Saturday, October 18th from 2-5 p.m. The conference itself is sold out, but the book signing is open to the public, so if you’re in the area please come on over and see me! You can buy books on site or bring your own to have signed. Folks will be there to stamp books with invisible ink to indicate that they were brought in by you so that you don’t end up having to pay for them again. Tons of fabulous authors will be there so if you’re in the area it’ll be an awesome opportunity to see them and collect signatures!

Details of the book signing, including a list of authors who will be there, can be found here on the GRL website.

In other news, I’m nearing the end of edits on my first horror novel, Down, tentatively scheduled for release from Riptide Publishing in the spring of 2015. It has been a massive journey, to say the least, ha, but my critique partners (who are also my best friends in the world) and the wonderful folks at Riptide have helped me along the way SO much, and I’m super proud of the end product. And OMG, y’all, JUST WAIT until you see the cover! I’ll share it here as soon as I’m allowed. It’s A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

I’m also working on two other projects: a short story for the upcoming Butt Riders On The Range project, with my crew from the Butt Ninjas From Hell anthology, with a planned release from Wilde City probably in May; and the next book in the Mojo Mysteries series, tentatively titled Myth Adventures, not yet contracted as I’m still in the initial writing-polishing-and-planning stages. That one is set in Atlanta, GA, at the totally fabulous OutlantaCon conference, which I like to describe as Dragon Con’s gay little brother. If you haven’t been to that conference, you should go. It’s pretty much my favorite. Totally relaxed and friendly, laid back, lots of fun.

That’s what’s going on with me. I hope I’ll see some of you in Chicago!